43 comments on “Vintage Ornament Wreath

      • what size wreath is this; 36in???? it looks way bigger than that. i want to make one for christmas but dont know what size to buy. and can the ornaments hang on a regular wreath? help!!

      • Hi Amy, I believe it’s a 36” wreath, but there’s a good 12” layer of ornaments all around. You could just use a regular wreath but your surface won’t be as even. If that’s all you have I’d cut off most of the silk greens and wrap it in chicken wire. You want your surface rounded, not flat. So the finished one is curved too. I hope this helps. Send pictures when you’re done. I’d love to see it! Btw, love you movies! Especially “Miss Pedigrew Lives for a Day”!

  1. Wowzers! I bow down to you and your patience. As stunning as it is I’m not sure I could spend several hours putting it up, and then taking it down each year. I bet it’s even better in person. Amazingness is right!

  2. This wreath is always a wonder and bafflement to the eye … Always the same, yet , like a sandcastle always a unique individual work of art — it is amazing in person !

  3. I knew I shouldn’t have given away all of my old ornaments 35 years ago when we moved out the the country for a while ! Your wreath is just amazingly gorgeous! That’s a lovely crucifix that you have displayed on your bookcase.

    • Thanks Barbara, I don’t think that I could EVER give any ornaments away,,Well, maybe to a loving home. The crusifix is an old french one, gift from a friend…and I cherish it. I’m Catholic..so we have saints all over the house.

  4. I am absolutely in love! I don’t think stupendous even begins to describe your wreath. I applaud you and I’m now searching for a chicken wire wreath form! Thanks so much for sharing & being such an inspiration.

  5. Pingback: Crystal Frost Spray « The Cavender Diary

  6. so glad I found you all on Houzz……I have a (much smaller) collection of these beauties and have seen blogger….after blogger who has made a hot glue version of your wreath (but they also complained of storage woes and brakeage…….so I continue to display mine in different ways. Not any longer……I love your idea……thanks for sharing…your wreath is Amazing! Cant wait to go through your posts….. Happy New Year!

    • It takes a while to hook it all together, and take it down, but well worth it . I do break a few, (huge sigh)….but there is NO way to move/store a 4 foot wreath…..
      Sooo very glad that you found us ……hope we keep inspiring you….:)

  7. two questions…..what type of hooks did you use to hook your ornaments onto the wreath form? How in the world did you hang this baby? Thanks!!!!

    • They are just regular ornament hooks, you know, in the pack of 100. The whole she-bang is up with a picture hook for 50 pounds….it’s pretty big, We don’t want that baby falling, now do we?

  8. It is so beautiful, interesting and labor intensive I believe I would leave it up all year. A great conversation piece and very interesting. I leave my Christmas tree up all year, just decorate it appropriately for every holiday.
    I appreciate all your hard work. Happy New Year and I wish you health, prosperity and peace.

    • Thanks Kathy, It is pretty tedious to “install” every year, but that is just part of the holidays to us. Glad that we could share it with someone who understands and enjoys it.

      Happy New Year to you as well!!!!

  9. So glad to have come over from Houzz. You guys had me at the first picture. I have a nice collection of vintage ornaments and continue to struggle and fight with the glue gun problem, not sticking and breakage. UGH. I am so wanting to try your method. now I am wondering if they could be wired? have you ever thought of that and then just storing under a bed? Also, so many of mine are missing their hanger thingies. maybe I could wire and glue …I am not wanting to take mine down this year…maybe it should stay up all winter! Thanks for your lovely lovely lovely images, and nice writing. I have just begun my blog and finding it hard to post and be original. Love that about your site! http://www.cinfetti.com

    • Hi Cindy, It’s Jan 11 and our wreath is still up, everythign else is down and packed away…..I have no problem leaving it up all year (as long as no one visits). I’m headed over to your blog now to see what inspiration you spread my way.

  10. Pingback: 3 Years Down | The Cavender Diary

  11. Pingback: Whiskey Barrel Planter | The Cavender Diary

  12. Pingback: The Big Ornament Wreath for 2013 | THE CAVENDER DIARY

  13. That is really the most amazing wreath I have seen with the vintage ornaments. I have made much smaller ones that are glued together, but are easy enough to store from year to year. BTW, I like the way it looks displayed over the flag.

    • Thanks Gina, its a chore assembling it every year……..and even more if a chore taking it down by March. I like it over the flag too, but I ocasionally get nasty comments that it’s disrespectful…….but you and I know better! Thanks for the love.

  14. Hi, my name is James and I live in Singapore. Wow, you certainly have a beautiful wreath full of vintage glass ornaments. I simply could not take my eyes off them. I am in the midst of taking down my Christmas tree glass ornaments (they run to a few hundreds that I have lost count) and yes, it is a very tedious process to put all them up and then to take them down. In the midst of it, I discovered (probably did not take notice of them all these years) that I have quite a small collection of Radko shiny brite ornaments. With the inspiration of your glass ornament wreath, I am planning to do one like yours, probably not that big, about 1.5 ft in diameter. When the time comes, I will write to you about the ‘how to’…..thanks for sharing how you do it, very laborious but the end result is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!.

      • Yes, I am now shopping for some vintage polish indents and fantasia collections from ebay and hope to be able to accumulate enough for a wreath just like yours, perhaps, not so big. Btw, how long do you spend in taking down your Christmas decorations which include safe storing for your precious glass ornaments?
        Thank you for your reply. I truly appreciate it.

  15. This is incredible!! Such patience.
    Stunning eyecatcher that I would hang all year round.
    I wonder: did you store it?

    • Hi Shirley, Can’t possibly take it down and move it….so many would break. It’s just something I take a few hours every December to “install”.

  16. It’s amazing. I’m afraid I would break some ornaments in the process of putting it together and taking it apart! 😥

    • Hi Susie Q! (BTW you got my singing CCR in my head already this am, Apocalypse Now is on on my favorite movies.) Don’t fear, I break several ornaments every year….putting her together AND taking her down. For every one I break, I replace it with about 10 new ones.

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