12 comments on “Cedar Boot Bags

    • I used to borrow one for years…then finally got my own. Mine doesn’t do fancy things…so it wasn’t very expensive. I use it way more than I ever thought I would…look into buying one….

  1. Love those scraps! I have 5 Pendleton Limited Edition blankets and I could never cut them up, not even for pillows! Anyway, I love your idea. It’s useful and not many people will get duplicates of this gift! Going to go look in my scraps to discover some fabric worthy of making cedar boot bags into.

    • Barbara, Pendleton sells by-the-yard of most of their fabrics. And there are even some scraps selling on eBay. When I make pillows for work..I Always keep the left overs…..

  2. Amazing! Applause! I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing those scraps were in the trash, either. I am so glad you found an awesome purpose for the scraps; cedar, boots and Pendleton are three of our absolute favorite things 🙂

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