29 comments on “Christmas in New York City

  1. There aren’t many things I actually miss about living in NYC but I guess the holiday window displays would be one thing!! And Rockefeller Center at Christmas time – I worked as a floor manager in one of the restaurants around the rink many moons ago and the holiday season was just alive with energy!! Your photos were lovely, thanks for bringing back some NYC memories!

    • Debbie, I’m sure if I worked anywhere near that area it would zapp every bit of Christmas Spirit from me…..Glad that I provoked some happy thoughts. Merry Christmas

  2. If someone forced me to go to NYC, I would want to go at Christmas! This virtual trip made me realize that it has been 57 years since I have been there. Oh My…….any way you two are looking very svelte!! Good job guys! Enjoyed the window displays!
    From West Texas…….Chris W

    • I think that city is extra magic at Christmas. We are feeling svelte……I was worried about what unhealthy food we’d eat (and how much beer I would drink) but with all the walking…I think we’re good.

  3. New York is on my bucket list, and I want to go when it’s all fancied up for Christmas! Looks like you guys had a great time. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures! Merry Christmas to you both, and Harley too!😊🎄

  4. What a wonderful trip! Love all your pictures and that ornament is beautiful. This is on my list to do someday!

  5. Can I take a Christmas second to say how great ya’ll look? Healthy, happy, and thin! You’ve been my favorites for years. You two inspire me every day. Enjoy each other and your trip.

    • Awwww Amy you are too sweet. We work hard every day to stay healthy…..but I have to tell you…I’M so hungry. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. Wow, you did it all!! Love NYC, usually get up there every other year just before Xmas (I went last year, so not this year 😦 ) Bergdorf’s windows are a highlight for me, then walking in the Park – last year my friend and I came across a tree in the Park on which people hang homemade ornaments in remembrance of their pets who have passed away during the year. Ornaments dated back at least 50 years! Glad (and jealous) you were able to do this!

  7. Thanks for sharing the great pictures of NY. We used to go to NY all the time when we lived in Ohio and flights were cheap. Since we moved to AZ in 05 we haven’t been back. The pictures reminded me of all the good things NY has to offer especially around the holidays. Hope NY department sores continue to decorate their store fronts. Nothing like it here in suburbia. Thanks again for pics. Have a great holiday and don’t eat all the peppermint bark.


    • It’s nice to know that there is still some department store magic left. When I worked at Macy’s ….decades ago…they went over the top with decor. Neiman Marcus too….but nothing compared to the New York stores in December…just magical. (I am soooo sick of peppermint bark at this point…gunna take a big box of it to work and leave it in the break room)

  8. I kinda live under a rock, so thanks ever so much for the mini virtual vaca! So beautiful! It gave me a wonderful flood of Christmas Spirit looking at your photos. You all are the bestest!

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  10. After years of watching “Miracle on 34th”, “Home Alone2”, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, “Elf” and the Rockerfeller Center Tree lighting, visiting NYC during Christmas is definitely on my bucket list. These pictures are fantastic! 😃😃😃

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  13. Pingback: Christmas in New York: 2021 Version | THE CAVENDER DIARY

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