24 comments on ““How About Thai?”

  1. I….I……………I………..I ….I just don’t know what to say…….maybe I am laughing……………………..no wait……dry heaves, too…….no, no……………………………………………………I am laughing!! GREAT story….!
    and GO KYLIE!! –Erik

  2. I can imagine your disgust! Wow, you stayed longer than I would. One of my pet peeves in a restaurant, is when the wait staff comes around and sweeps the floor with a dust broom & stirs up heaven knows what while you are eating !

  3. Something similar happened to me. I use to get doughnuts at the bakery at Kroger’s. I went to get the usual morning sweets for the office and the guy who ran the bakery was sitting on the steel table clipping his toenails. I can not even tell you……….

    • Ewwwwwww. I was in the Kroger deli onece and the butcher had a weird growth I was trying not to stare at…….then I realized it was a small piece of turkey.

    • Ohhhhh yes, and I really like Thai food………there’s another place where we once got fleas……I hope you aren’t eating while you read this ……

  4. I don’t know how you kept a straight face while the toenail cutting went on! Your story reminds of the time my mother had my sister and me over for dinner. We all sat in our old spots at the kitchen counter. While we were eating my sister and I spotted a mouse running back and forth across the stove. We were dying because our mother had her back to the stove and couldn’t see it. I cannot remember if we actually said anything. I was surprised because we spent the first 24 years living there and had never seen any critter other than a cricket!

    Hope you had a nice time in Phoenix! Our family has lived here since 1920!

    • Candice, I had a great time in Phoenix. Even though it was such a short trip. Jamie is headed there for work next month and I’m tagging along to shop in Old Scottsdale. Same hotel, btw. I LOVE the Biltmore.

  5. I am so grossed out right now.
    But will think, instead, about the Biltmore and turn green. With jealousy. Not nausea.

    • You’re going to have to remain jealous…we are both headed to the Biltmore in a couple weeks….just to relax……and possibly shop in Old Town Scottsdale. Who am I kidding? OF COURSE we’ll be shopping…..(I’m so excited)

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