15 comments on “Jackson Pollock Inspired Pillows

  1. I LOVE those pillows! What a great idea 🙂 Splatter paint was always a fav of mine and school… I can see doing this on children’s bedding pillows… like the decorative ones… whe hew, nice you two! Ahhh what creativity you all have. Keep up the great DIY projects “boys”. 🙂

  2. The pillows are FAB! Just love them. But what really took my breath away was the wall behind the bed! I’m a new reader so I’ll have to dig around a bit to your post about that bad boy. Would love to replicate that in our house. Great job!

  3. So, if and when I ever get around to decorating my bedroom I will now have paint splattered pillows simply because yours look amazing. Plus, playing with paint if fun 🙂

  4. Pingback: 3 Years Down | The Cavender Diary

  5. Pingback: Grain Sack Pillows | THE CAVENDER DIARY

  6. Pingback: More Cushion for the………Banquette | THE CAVENDER DIARY

  7. Good Lord!!!

    Is that your bedroom?

    Lordy, I do believe Bob & I would spend even MORE time in ours, if it looked like that!


    • Aww shucks, Fred. That’s what our bedroom looks like when I’m taking pictures if it ( Jamie’s in charge if all the sheet ironing) The rest if the time the bed is a wreck and there are shoes all over the floor…….

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