15 comments on “Madeleine Is 1

  1. Perfection! What a completely blessed little girl! Happy Birthday indeed, Madeleine!!! So lucky to have these two fantastic men as your uncles!!

  2. Oh my goodness! Thought it couldn’t get any better until I saw the birthday girl dressed like a gnome, the swamp punch, and the stand-ins! Too cute!!

  3. What a gift you gave her..she is precious and it looks like the grown-ups had as much fun as the children…Great memory….for her and you!!!

  4. Happy birthday, Madeline! What a fantastically, fairy gnome day!! You are a little darling wonderland, sweet one! Hello to your mommy& daddy and proud “uncles!” Love the pix!

  5. Pingback: Woodland Theme Party Details | THE CAVENDER DIARY

  6. You did it again! You never cease to surprise with all of your creativity! I know everyone had a great and memorable time. You know now…you have to top it every year, she WILL just keep having birthdays! Haha wait til prom that’s what I am doing this year, all out in white tie, such fun! Keeps you young…enjoy!

  7. Get out!!! This is the most adorable party decor I have ever seen. I stumbled across your blog via Instagram and am in love with your style and personalities! I am so inspired by your garage redo and I adore how you use red and all the personal details in your home. I grew up in dallas. When I met my husband he lived in a cute little duplex in Lakewood. I loved that neighborhood so much. You have been bookmarked! Look forward to reading all your posts!

    • Hi Beth! You are so sweet! I lived in Lakewood years ago, by Casa Linda. Still have friends over there ……. Miss that neighborhood so much. Soo glad that you found us….

  8. Pingback: Give a Girl a Gnome Book | THE CAVENDER DIARY

  9. Pingback: The Red-Neck Riviera | THE CAVENDER DIARY

  10. Do you have a tutorial on how to make the cupcake stand? I LOVE that idea and want one for my sons birthday party.

    • Hi Brittany, It was pretty simple. I bought the flat pieces of tree sections at Michael’s and hot glued them to tin cans for height. Ohhh, I did wrap the cans in jute twine to hide them a little. Couldn’t be easier.

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